Legal Notice

The website is published by:

Le Tripode
73300 Le Corbier

Legal form: Local public establishment of an industrial or commercial nature

SIRET: 518 745 245 00010

It was produced and adapted by the company SMARTFIDELIS, from the AllinSmart platform.

It is the property of the company SMARTFIDELIS - S.A.S. with a capital of 100,000 Euros / RCS Chambéry 
N° 493 084 099 / APE 7022Z – whose registered office is 48 Avenue du Lac du Bourget - 73370 LE BOURGET DU LAC.

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The publication director is Arnaud Guyon, Director.

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The names, trademarks, names of the products and services presented therein belong to their owners. They are in principle identified by a capital letter and are presented with the authorization of their holder. The reproduction, imitation, use or affixing of these trademarks without having obtained the prior authorization of their respective owners constitutes an offense of counterfeiting.


The texts and graphic elements appearing on this site are the exclusive property of EPIC Corbier Tourism or SMARTFIDELIS. They constitute works and are protected as such by all the rules relating to intellectual property. Reproductions, on paper or computer, of said site and of the works and products reproduced therein are authorized provided that they are strictly reserved for personal use excluding any use for advertising and/or commercial purposes and/or information and/or that they comply with the provisions of article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code. Any use of documents from this website must acknowledge the source by including the copyright above on each published copy or after each extract. EPIC Corbier Tourism or SMARTFIDELIS reserve the right to modify or correct the content of this site at any time, without notice.
Photo credits:
Corbier Tourisme, Kaliblue, Yves Thollon, Léo Dompnier, Florent Pollet, Andy Parant, Amplitude Communication Agency.

L'EPIC Corbier Tourism